Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's been awhile......

Wow I guess I've neglected my blog huh? Well here's a quick update......Madalynn is now 3 and growing like a weed. She is in a gymnastics class once a week and she loves it. We will be doing swimming lessons here pretty soon with both girls. Natalya is 9 months and getting to be quite the big girl. She has taken a few steps already and all she wants to do is go go go! I can't believe how different the two girls are. Madalynn was so colicky and cried alot but after about 9 months or so, she was and still is the perfect little girl. Natalya is always happy, sleeps great, and is into EVERYTHING! She is constantly putting things in her mouth. I think we've had to do the finger swoop in the mouth at least twice a day now. Madalynn was never into things and never put anything in her mouth. So we're on the ball all the time with this little one!
Mark is working steady, thank goodness and I've picked up some extra hours too so together we're hangin' in there. My mom has moved to Idaho and we all miss her terribly. We'll be taking a trip to Iowa next month to visit family, so I'm very excited about that. I haven't been back there since I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. I'm thrilled for everyone to meet Natalya. So there's just alittle of what we've been up to.

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